Saturday, March 8

gEneTicS iS aBout mE

wAzZup??okAy, Let mE eXplain my Side…
fOr mE…learning gEnEtics iS a gReat pRivilege…
cOz u kNow,,,nOt aLL 2nD YeAr sTudenTs aRe GiveN
thE oPpoRtuNity tO learN thiS cOoL tOpiC in biOloGy…

sOo...LeTs sTart...

gEneTics Is aBout mE,,,aBout uS...YeAh.,.Me,
yOu,.,hE,.,sHe,,,oh..foRget AbouT iT...

aCtuAlly,,iT's abouT tHe StuDy anD FunCtiOn Of The gEnEs...
gEneS Are biTS of biOcHemicaL inStruCtiOns FouNd iNsiDE a ceLL
oF eVEry oRganiSm,,fRom bAcTeria tO humAn,,,

bWahA,,,GeNetic infOrmAtiOn is encOded aNd tranSmiTted
from generation to generation in deoxyribonucleic acid.,.DNA is a coiled molecule organized into structures called chromosomes within cells.,.
Segments along the length of a DNA molecule form genes,..
yOu kNow,,,genEtics Is imPortant beCause,,, modern science of genetics
influences many aspects of daiLy liFe.,. frOm the fOod we eat to how we identify criminals or treat disEaSes...

abOuT occurs in five stages: intErphAse, prOphase, metaphase,anaphase, and telophase.,.itS kiNd of A LonG story to DisCuZ.,.

MeiOsis.,.hMm.,.its tWo Times mItOsis,., two cell divisiOns oCcuR tO prOduce fOuR dauGhteR ceLLs frOm the OriGinaL pArent ceLL.,.EaCh resulting cell has half the chromosomal DNA of the parent cell,.,

MeNdaL'S RuLes.,.In his resEarCh, MeNdeL obServed thAt chaRactErisTics wErE inhEriTed aS seParAte units, eaCh oF whicH wAs inHeRitEd independently of the others. Mendel sugGesteD tHat eAch pAreNt hAs paIrs oF tHese uNits but cOntrIbutes only OnE of each pair to offspring,., The uniTs thAt MendeL described wEre laTer giVen thE nAme gEnEs,..

wE DiscUsed.,. AlsO.,.incompLete dOminance, the inHeritance of a dominant and a recessive allele results in a bleNding of traits to produce intermediate characteristics.

multipLe alLeLes.,.An0ther excePti0n t0 MeNdeLian genetics involves genes with multiple alleles.,., CertAin traits are c0ntr0lLeD by multipLe aLLeles that have complex rules oF d0minAnce.,.

sEx-LinKed GeNes.,.They arE caLLed sex chromosomes because they determine the differences between maLes and femaLes.,. GeNes located on the sex chromosomes display differEnt patTTerns 0f inhEritaNce thAn geNeS l0cateD 0n oTher cHroMosoMes.,.0nE eXamPle is.,.

HemoPhiLiA.,.hereditary bl00d diSease.,cHaraCterIzed by the inAbiLity Of The blo0d to cLot.,.

aNotHEr IS..,MuscUlar dYstropHy.,,diSease cHAracTerizED by The GarduAL wastIng Of SkeLEtaL muSclE.,.

In cEntRaL dogma.,.we UseD.,.four bases in its structure: adeNine(A),.,cyTosine(c)gUaninE(g).,.TyhimIne(t).,.

In order for inherited traits to be transmitted from parent to child, the genetic information encoded in DNA must be copied with great precision during cell division.

yeAh.,.That IS verY RigHt.,.ceLL DivISi0n iS imPOrtant.,.s0 ThaT THe GenEtic Info CoulD be CopieD.,.


sTudYing this less0nS.,.MakeS me Feel veRy.,.




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wHy,.,sOmtHing wr0ng witH thAt??


iTs aLmoSt 1o:3o.,.

GotTa gO t0 sLeep.,.



by:giAnNe carLa SaLvaCion ( / / _ * )


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