Sunday, March 16


It is a change in the gene or the chromosome of an organism.It can be classified according to Gene mutation.First the point mutation,it is a change in a genetic base or the change in one DNA nucleotide.Second the frame shift mutation,it is the error in reading or there was a deletion or addition of DNA fragment.Even though how little the change is it will affect greatly the proteins .Unlike cancer mutation is inheritable. It means that it can be pased on to the offspring.However most of the people who experience negative mutation are sterile because they have underdeveloped sex organs.It is nature's way of stopping it because they will not be able to reproduce.
It can also be classified as positive and negative mutation.Positive when it is beneficial and negative when harmful.An example of a positive mutation is sickle-cell anemia fornegroid race.Sickle-cell anemia is characterized by abnormal form of hemoglobin due to amino acid substitution caused by a single base change in the DNA.See,eveneven though there was just a change in a single base in the DNA the result was even fatal.However most mutation are harmfu rather than beneficial.
I had observedin our society nowadays that there are many cases of mutation.Severalhave abnormalities or disorders.Maybe it is because of the new ways and changes in our environment.To my conclusion is that there where less cases of mutations before.By the way mutation is triggerd by mutagens like toxins chemicals,UV rays and radioactive elements.These mutagens are commonly present today.The world has changed a lot.We have polutions , global warming and many more that I thinkwill give a bad effect in the health of the people.And i'm afraid about the kind of world that the next generations would have.Would it be worst or not?
An example of mutation is hemophillia.It is an x-linked recessive disorder charterized by the inability to properly form bloodclots.Before hemophillia was untreatable and only few hemophilliacs can survive to a reproductive age because any small cut or internal hemorrhaging after even a minor bruise are fatal.But now hemophillia is treated with blood transfusions and infusions of blood derived substance known as anti-hemophilic factor.However such treatment is very expensive and involves the risk of contracting AIDS.This disease is more frequent in males than in females.This occurs because a critical blood clotting gene is carried on the x-chromosome.Since males only carry one x-chromosome,if that is defective,hemophillia will immediately show up.
Hemophliia has played an important role in Europe's history.Because it suddenly popped up in the children of Great Britain's Queen Victoria.Later it became known as the "Royal Disease" because it spread to the royal families of Europe through Victoria's descendants.The disease first appeared in Victoria's family in her eight chlid,Prince Leopold.Leopold had suffered severe heorrhages and always was described as "very delicate".He was under strict surveillance.However at the age of 31 he died due to a minor fall.He lived a life suffering from that disease.And I realized that we normal people should be very thankful of what we are because unlike others we can do what they can't.
According to the traditional view is that there was a mutation in either her or in a sperm of her father,Edward Augustus,Duke of Kent.From there it spread through the royal houses of Europe as monarchs arrange marriages to consolidate political alliances.The mutation occured first in Queen Victoria's family.This phenomenon affected the people in Europe as well the whole world.Mutation affected me so much because aside fromthe fact that it is inheritable you yourself could acquire it especially now that the world is expose to mutagens.
We can avoid mution by taking good care of ourself and our environment.If we want improvement we should also think about its bad effects.People of today keeps on imbenting something due to the belief that it will improve man's life.Well I don'tdisagree that all of us want to improve our way of life although we shouldthink about it carefully.

posted by: Charie Mae Nemeno

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